How to change swiping direction from swiping left to right, to right to left?
I have BOOX Air C, I don't know why, but all my documents will go back one page every time I tap the right half of the screen, and will go forward if I tap the left side of the screen! also up and down is reversed.
1- How can I change the direction of pages flipping?
2- Where to change left handed vs right handed?
3- How can I undo hand writing recognition? I accidentally double tapped on a handwriting, and it was converted to big texts,
4- How can I reduce the size of the text converted, and how do I undo this action and go back to written original format?
Dear customer, we apologize for the inconvenience
Here are the answers to your questions:1 & 2. You could change the direction of the pages flipping via the steps below:
3 & 4. It is unable to undo the recognition. However, you could delete, or edit the recognition result via the steps below:
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