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How can i see two notes side by side in split view?



  • Official comment
    Boox Service Team


    Thanks for your post.

    We are sorry to inform you that it could not be supportive currently. We will try to see if it could be achieved in the near future. Thank you for your support. 

  • Jan Bebok

    This would be a fantastic feature! Please implement it!

  • Romano Valerio

    The only alternative I've found is to sync the notepad to the cloud - view one note on the send 2 boox page and one on the notes app itself. 

  • Grant Root

    I'd like to add another request for this feature. I just had a need for viewing two notebooks at once today, and I can see it coming up frequently.

  • Terry Tevis

    I need to view two notes side by side.  Thought I was doing something wrong till I came upon this thread.  

  • Robert

    + 1 for this request. I love the split screen feature on the Max - it makes good use of the screen estate. I believe this would be a common use case:

    I am keeping my daily to-do list in one notebook, where I carry over open tasks from page to page. Typically, this notebook contains a flat list for very diverse topics (e.g. one bullet point might be "Follow-up on Mike's interface implementation proposal", another "Schedule interviews with account manager applicants"). I want to have this visible all day, as it provides the structure for my work day.

    Secondly, I have my detailed notes organized by topic, e.g. there might be one notebook "Interface implementations" and another "Staff account manager position". Typically, I will keep one of these notebooks open for an extended period of time, e.g. during a meeting or for brainstorming. But during that time, I still want to have the daily to-do list staring at me, so that I don't loose the big picture.

    It's weird that I catch myself looking for an actual pencil and a piece of paper to achieve this, because the cognitive burden of switching back and forth between notebooks is just too much. :-D

    Thanks for considering this in a future version of the firmware.

  • Alex

    It would help very much to have this as a feature!

  • Matteo Paiano

    It would be really helpful to transcribe the notes of a lesson and stuff like this!


  • Johan Quiroga

    Searching for this feature also +1
    I'm a Max Lumi 2 user, and want to be able to have 2 different pages opened in the notes, my productivity its pretty limited. Can be something like a notebook mode where I don't need to switch the entire page but have 2 available pages.

  • Matt Mayer

    Boox Service Team - any progress here? 

  • Ggorkk

    Hi. Yes is there any progress on the option of working on 2 different notes while using the split view? Thanks in advance

  • Jose Luis


    I can't understand why after so many years this feature is not implemented yet.

  • Marcin Andrzejewski

    I haven't changed my paper notepad to electronic notepad because I need this future. I'm waiting for it many years.

    "We will try to see if it could be achieved in the near future." - if 4 years is not near future, then what is?



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