What If I Just Received My Boox Device? Some Important Notes For Boox Users
We would like to drop some important notices for our users when you just receive your Boox device.
1. Please create your ONYX account and log into it.
Go to Settings > Account >Log in
2. Please kindly update your device to the newest firmware if you just got your Boox device.
Your device's firmware version might be not the newest even they are all brand new. Since it spends some time in transit to our warehouses and to your place. Our technical team may release a new firmware version to fix some recent existed software bugs during this time. And if you do not update it to the newest firmware version, your device may come across these bugs that are actually solved in our newest one. Hence, we suggest that you could update your device to the newest firmware right after you got it.
3. Please kindly backup your data on your Boox device regularly especially before you need to do a factory recovery.
Your device may come across some situations that need to be reset for normal use again. For example, your device may be frozen or stuck or even you could not reboot it. In these cases, you could not enter your device and do a backup first before do a factory recovery. Hence, we suggest that you could backup your data regularly especially when you have some important information in it. Or all the data would be wiped after finishing a recovery.