Enhance Content Contrast
Table of Contents
In this article, you will learn how to improve the display of text and images for better clarity and comfort in the Contrast tab.
* Embolden: Here you can drag the slider or input a value to adjust the font weight.
Note: Only displayed here in fixed-layout documents. For reflowable documents, this setting is displayed in the Format tab.
Sharpen Img: Here you can drag the slider or input a value to sharpen the images.
Watermark Bleaching: Here you can drag the slider or input a value to bleach the watermarks in the file.
Dark Color Enhancement: When the value is increased, it will turn more dark colors (shadows) to black. Here you can drag the slider or input a value to enhance the dark color.
Image Smoothing: When toggled on, the images will be smoothed to enhance the display quality.