Note Air 2 Plus - Dictionaries
I have a Nova Air and a Nova Air Note 2 plus.
On the Nova air both on the neo reader and Alreader when I select a phrase or word I have a choice of third party dictionaries - basically the apps I have installed.
They are: Yandex, PROMT, Lingvo
However on the Note Air 2 plus:
- Lingvo is no longer part of the choice, although it is installed
- Promt is no longer available in the play store for download.
It would really be helpful to get this sorted so the functionality on the Note air Plus is equivalent to the Nova Air
I notice that the AppStore is missing on the Note. What is the situation with the AlReader X Pro? Is the version on the google play store compatible with Note Air 2 Plus and Nova Air?
Thanks for your help
Dear customer,
We apologize for the inconvenience.
After testing on another Android 11 BOOX e-reader, the Lingvo app does show up when selecting a word or phrase. Please find the screenshot below:
In this case, please try to reinstall the Lingvo Dictionaries Offline app from the built-in Google Play or you could try to install the app via the APK package. To download the Lingvo Dictionaries Offline APK file, please visit the link below:
Regarding the issue with Promt app, Google Play will sometimes determine the app is not compatible with the device by mistake but it actually compatible. Therefore, some apps are unsearchable on Google Play. In this case, suggest downloading the Promt app APK file and installing the app by running the APK file on the BOOX device. To download the Promt APK file, please visit the link below:
Many thanks for your time and understanding.0
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