Feature Request: Allow user to have direct access to note database
As far as i understand there is an export function in Notes app, but in doesn't give option to restore it. There is an option to backup Notes database, but it doesn't have an option to auto create backup file after every note edition.There is also option to export notes to some cloud services (and webdav - but since its highly insecure option i do not count it) but it's not an option to sensitive notes.
After some digging i've found out that there is Android/data/cam.onyx.Android.note app which contains two empty folders (or user has no privilage to see content).
There is also some kSync app and .ksync folder which as i presume got SQL Databeses with notes in Raw version.
Please confirm that this flder contains up to date (after every editing it has raw version of up to date note) notes. It would give an option to auto backup thru 3rd party apps (Syncything, some file explorers or even thru Cloud Drive apps) raw version of notes.
I would suggest to give an option to user as read only, for option to just copy it. And if it would be possible to somehow restore (thru settings or anywhere else).
Really BOOX Support ??
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