Boox Remoter
I'm using boox remote with my notepro device, I've observed that navigation through remote keys is different from the navigation that happens through "navigation ball - next page and previous page" soft buttons. I can comfortably scroll webpages as "pageup/pagedown" with soft navigation ball keys but it just scrolls few lines at a time with remoter on a browser session.
is it possible to make remote navigation keys to work like soft navigation keys i,.e. to scroll pages instead of just few lines? Currently, my purpose of using remote is not getting fulfilled as I have to use touch swipe or soft navigation keys on browser sessions. Would love to see navigation key function as "page up/page down" on applications like chrome or other browsers.
Official comment
Thanks for your post!
We are sorry to inform you that right now our BT remote only supports page-turning for Neoreader. It is unsupportive for the other apps on the Boox device such as the browser and the third apps. We do not have the adapter settings for the other applications except Neoreader yet.
Apology for all the inconvenience has caused! Thanks for your support!
I have a similar issue i.e. turning pages in the kobo app does not work. Disappointing, since that was for a great deal why i purchased a Boox reader, for use with the remoter! Can we expect an update any time soon?
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