Need URGENT FIX for Lasso tool on note app
I write here because dev ignored my post on Max 3 section. When we use lasso tool in note app it cause serius isssues. Sometimes it work good but others it delete part of the area selected, without chance of recover it with back command. This problem occurs more frequent with custom templates, but it’s occurs also with original templates provided by onyx.
This is a serius limitation.. The capability of move object or note on the same page or between different pages is one of the principal reason for use a digital device. This is also a function that you show on your videos. Honestly the malfuction of a so basic tool on a device that costs 849 euro it is not accettable.
My device is a BOOX max 3 (2.3 firmware).I want to clarify that this problem seems to exist also with others devices such as Note 2, i read about other users who have complained about the same problem.
I invite you to make some serius test because the problem exist. I also hope that you will reply to my message this time. Thanks for your attention.
Official comment
Thanks for your post! Apology for all the inconvenience has caused!
You are suggested to submit bugs on Feedback via Settings/ Feedback on your device or submit bugs on Onyx Bbs. Please make sure that you tick the option "send logs" while sending the Feedback so that we can analyze and diagnose the exact problem better. Our relevant colleagues will reply to you as soon as possible.
Thanks for your cooperation!
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