Security issue: USB files always visible even when locked
I have a Note 2 which is locked by fingerprint and passcode to protect the device. I want to permanently disable usb file transfer, which I choose from the USB preferences on the Note 2 after connecting to laptop. But each time I re-attach to laptop using USB cable it shows up on the laptop with all files visible and it resets the USB preference to file transfer again and again
I also tried enabling developer mode using Simple Settings and set the default USB configuration to no data transfer, but the device seems to completely ignore this setting.
This makes fingerprint/password protection absolutely useless, since anyone can just simply plug in the device while locked to get access to the files without unlocking the device.
How can I make the Note 2 permanently disable usb file transfer, or at least disable USB file transfer when the device is locked?
Official comment
Thanks for your post! Apology for any inconvenience has caused!
We will release V2.3.1 to fix this existed bug later on. Please kindly wait for the next firmware update.
Thanks for your time!
Thanks for the update!
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