Refresh Modes
General Comparison
Refresh Modes
Display Quality
Refresh Speed
Normal Mode
General reading
Speed Mode
Browsing books and pictures
A2 Mode
Browsing websites
X Mode
Watching videos
Display Quality: Normal > Speed > A2 > X
Refresh Speed: X > A2 > Speed > Normal
Refresh Modes Explained
Normal Mode (System Default): For reading books and other static content. It can show the crispest texts with the most minor ghosting.
Speed Mode (Default for third-party apps): For turning pages and browsing books and pictures. It has subtle ghosting but enhances screen responsiveness.
A2 Mode: For browsing websites and other content that require scrolling. Although ghosting is more, it can render a more responsive and smoother viewing experience.
X Mode: For video and other dynamic content. It has the smoothest response but with the greatest detail loss.
Regal Mode: As a refresh solution with less ghosting and better display quality especially optimized for color E Ink models, it is ideal for page-turn between color illustrations such as in comics and manga apps.
Note: Note Air3 C equipped with BSR uses another set of Refresh Modes. |
Manual Refresh
1. Open the Control Center>Full Refresh button.
2. Tap the Navigation Ball>Full Refresh button.
3. Set Bottom Gestures to perform a manual full refresh.
4. Set the Navigation Bar to perform a manual full refresh.
Note: The Navigation Ball Settings on your device may vary. Please refer to the Navigate Your Device page for more info. |