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Note pro update to Android 9 guide.



  • Rodolphe

    That would be so great and a promise fulfilled.

    Could you tell us the date of the post on Boox page?


  • Philyaris

    Unfortunately, I do not know this date. I stumbled across the information regarding the update to Android 9. It was on the Onyx Boox Facebook page. Post announcing the availability of firmware update V3.1 for Note pro, Nova pro, etc. (post of April 20, 2021 - 3:15 p.m.). Expand the comments and you will see a response from the author of the post referring to Google documents "User application of Android 9.0 flashing". Best regards.

  • Question Mark

    The "back button" is the one and only button on the screen of the Note Pro. It is usually used to go back, but can be reconfigured to be a "home" button.

  • Philyaris

    Thank you so much. I had completely forgotten that one. It must be said that it doesn't have the head of a button ;) You prevent me from doing something stupid. This differs in fact from the procedure for the Likebook Mars for the update to Android 8.1 which I was able to carry out successfully. I still had one point to clarify with you. Should the uncompressed "Updater.rar" folder be placed in the root folder of the pc or does it matter ? Would you have any video that would deal with the subject ? It would be of a great help for me.

  • Rodolphe

    Thanks, I found the comment and the official page.

    Onyx presents the upgrade as risky. I won't do it on my Note Pro yet as 3.1 works fine. I use mainly NeoReader, Notes and Moon+ Reader.

    However my Nova Pro with v3.1 is buggy when I use Kindle or Google Play. I've updated Kindle. I'll see if it continues to freeze or to display a white screen when I try to get back to home display. I had never problems with Kindle except when I first used the Nova Pro, my first Boox. I had to optimize the settings but since it works like a charm. With 3.1, it freezes often.

    I'll probably try to upgrade to Android 9. I'll complete the form to access the files.



  • Rodolphe

    1 / Should the uncompressed "Updater.rar" folder be placed in the root folder of the pc or does it matter little?

    I don't think it matters.

    2 / In step 11 it is mentioned: "Ensure your BOOX is power-off. Press and hold Back button, then connect it to the Windows 10 PC with an original USB cable to enter Flashing mode."

    As Question Mark said, it's the one and only physical button.

  • Philyaris

    1/ I asked the same question. For my Likebook Mars I had to put the uncompressed folders  in the root folder of the pc. Perhaps should I do the same thing with the folder "Updater.rar" ? I hesitate a little. 

    2/ It doesn't look like a button but definitively yes. I never use it. For what concerns the Likebook Mars, it's a tiny hole where you have to insert a kind of a needle in if you have to flash the e-reader.

  • Rodolphe

    OK, let's wait for Onyx's answer.

    All data must be saved before so there's some preparation to be made.

    I got access to the Note Pro update files. However you can only complete the form once.

    I can only perform the Android 9 update on my Nova Pro for now.

    I'll contact Onyx if I want to update my Note Pro.

  • Philyaris

    It's done. Bon je passe au français pour faire court. Tout s'est bien passé. Je suis bien passé sous Android 9. Je suis en train de réinstaller quelques applications (Kindle, Pocket, etc.). Il ne me restera plus qu'a recharger mes livres via Calibre. Il y a eu un passage délicat au moment du chargement du driver de flashing. Il faut bien lire la notice. J'ai failli me planter

  • Rodolphe

    Félicitations ! Du coup, je vais tenter aussi après avoir tout bien sauvegardé.

    Le mode opératoire est bien écrit mais c'est vrai qu'il faut faire bien attention pour ce genre de manip.


  • Philyaris

    J'ai placé les dossiers décompressés dans le dossier racine de mon pc. Surprise : la boite de dialogue aux points 3/ à 6/ (The Rockchip Microdrive Assistant will uninstall related drivers of the current system.) est en fait en anglais ! La partie concernant l'installation du driver de flashing (Install Onyx device flashing driver)est un peu délicate. Il faut bien lire les instructions. Quand la boite de dialogue au point 8-3/ s'ouvre bien cliquer sur "device" puis sélectionner "Load Preset Device". De mémoire une fenêtre s'ouvre et il faut sélectionner "driver.cfg" qui se trouver dans le même dossier : "driver". J'espère que j'ai été assez clair. Bonne chance ! Nos amis anglophiles utiliseront Google traduction pour traduire nos propos ;) 

  • Philyaris

    L'interface me semble un peu différente. Ce qui est étrange c'est que je connecte en wifi sans problème ma Note pro à mon téléphone (partage wifi) mais ma freebox n'est pas détectée. La liseuse ne m'a pas proposé de mise à jour après le passage à Android 9. Lorsque je vais dans "mise à jour du microprogramme" et que je clique sur "Vérifier mise à jour", il m'est répondu "Aucun paquet de mise à jour détecté".  La version de Neo Reader est v3.0 Sinon, tout va bien.


  • Gibbo

    I'm still undecided as I only use the Kindle app and it's working fine.

  • Philyaris

    I'm still undecided as I only use the Kindle app and it's working fine.

    Hi Gibbo.
    I understand your hesitation. For flashing (not sure if the term is correct), it's not enough to click a button and let the process go by itself. You have to tinker with it a bit. But by following the tutorial carefully (i.e. to the letter), it goes well. At one point (when launching the installation of Android 9) my usb cable that I thought was original - I have so many that are all put together ! - was not detected and I had to put some another. This was the only bug. There would have been lines of code to enter, I would have found that less fun ;) It is true that it would be more reassuring if the Onyx Boox team accompanied their tutorial with a video. Boyue did this for the Likebook Mars e-reader and it really helped me.

  • Gibbo

    Thanks for your comment, I'm not new to flashing firmwares used to install custom ROMs on a few Samsung mobiles & tablet's.

  • Philyaris

    It's not really my habit. On the other hand, I had to install Cloudready a little while ago (ie Chrome OS without the emulation of Android applications) on my mother-in-law's "low cost" laptop which was too slow with Windows 10. It has been working really well since then. To return to my installation of Android 9 on my Note pro, by adjusting the settings of my internet box, my network is finally recognized by my e-reader. All that remains is to wait for an update of the Onyx Boox overlay, v3.1

  • Gibbo

    Did you have v3.1 installed before performing the upgrade?

  • Philyaris

    Yes and no there's no surprise if I lost it. In Onyx Boox page on Facebook it was told me that  "after your update, there will be firmware V3.1 available to update in the coming weeks". And now, I've lost the wifi connection to my chromecast video ! Argh.... 

  • Gibbo

    So android 9 came with v3.0

  • Question Mark

    Just upgraded my Note Pro to Android 9. Had to repeat a couple of the steps a couple of times, but it worked. I now have Android 9 with V3.0.

    Hoping that I will eventually be able to get V3.1 back again. I had already had it installed when I began the process.

  • Gibbo

    Same here upgraded with no problems, read the instruction carefully and everything will be ok. Currently setting up device wayheyyyy.

    BTW the instructions say The Rockchip Microdrive Assistant only provides the tool in Chinese but it's actually in English.

  • Philyaris

    BTW the instructions say The Rockchip Microdrive Assistant only provides the tool in Chinese but it's actually in English.

    Yes, I noticed it. My Chinese has gone a bit far. I'm happy to see that the upgrade to Android 9 is generally going well. We just have to wait a bit until Onyx Boox gives us the firmware version (v3.1).

    It's strange that Onyx Boox, unlike its competitor in the segment of Android e-readers, Boyue, does not communicate more about this upgrade from Note pro and Nova pro to Android 9. This probably does not change many things compared to the interface but Android 9, recent version of Android, is a guarantee of security for e-readers. I'm very happy with my e-reader, which is a real Swiss Army knife, but I'm not sure I'll invest in an e-reader anytime soon, even a large-format color e-reader. The problem of refreshing the image and ghost images constitutes for me a glass ceiling for manufacturers of e-readers, at least if they remain on e-ink technology. Teclast has developed another solution: Nxtpaper. But with this technology which has nothing to do with e-ink, the screen is not backlit, which is a handicap when you want to read at night without a bedside lamp, which I do very very often;) We will see what the future will bring us.

  • Rodolphe

    C'est fait aussi. Done here too.

    I had to start twice the update as the updater displayed an error message about a USB switch.

    I changed USB port and it went well.

    I have a "production test" (in chinese) app.

    It already occurred during previous updates on Android 6.

    My wifi box is not detected too.

  • Philyaris

    Bonsoir Rodolphe. J'ai eu exactement le même message d'erreur. Du coup j'ai débranché le câble usb et je l'ai remplacé. Après, aucun problème.

    Pour la box wifi, j'ai résolu le problème avec ma Freebox en allant sur sur interface (application Freebox) et en sélectionnant pour les canaux : " canaux automatiques".

  • Rodolphe

    Bonsoir Philyaris. J'ai utilisé le même câble et juste branché sur le port USB de l'autre côté de mon PC. Après, nickel.

    J'ai réussi à brancher en wifi sur ma bbox sans modifier au paramétrage.

    J'ai activé Google Play et installé Kindle, Moon+ et Swiftkey.

    Tout fonctionne bien. Je trouve que ma Nova Pro est plus réactive avec Android 9. La bille de navigation a plus d'options.

    Je contacterai Onyx pour faire la mise à jour sur mon Note Pro. Leur formulaire ne permet de déclarer qu'un appareil.

  • Rodolphe

    Seul problème détecté : impossible de restaurer mes notes depuis la sauvegarde locale effectuée hier. J'ai créé une note et j'ai pu la sauvegarder effacer et restaurer. Sinon, ça fonctionne mieux que sur Android 6.

    Impossible to restore my Notes local backup done yesterday. Error message: "Failed to  restore". The Notes backup/restore works on Android 9, but only with backups done with Android 9.

    I wonder if the backup file can be read with a third-party software. These are old notes. They probably can be read on my Note Pro. I'll do a careful backup of my Note Pro notes before upgrading to Android 9.

    Except for this bug, Nova Pro with Android 9 is snappier and Kindle works better.

  • Philyaris

    Mince pour la restauration des notes :(

    Depuis que j'ai ma tablette Samsung S6 Lite, j'ai renoncé à prendre des notes sur ma Note pro. J'avais peu de notes sur ma liseuse et je ne me suis pas donné la peine d'en faire une sauvegarde. 



  • Jose V

    Does the casting of the screen works in this version? I currently cast my note Pro to my computer (for online teaching) using external software (i.e. Vysor or the Zoom app screen sharing function). I'd be super interested in being able to do so *with colors*. That is, to write notes using colors, and that the colors are shown in the screen of the computer (again, either with Vysor, Zoom, or the screencast feature). 

  • Rodolphe

    Eurêka. I was able to restore my notes with an old local backup. I think that all Notes backups done on 3.1 cannot be restored on 3.0 regardless of Android version. When the 3.1 update for Android 9 will be available, I'll check if I can indeed restore my notes.

    Note: My original message is still pending approval, probably because of its first part in French.


    I keep getting switch usb failed. I have tried on two different computers. I have tried different ports. what could be the problem?


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